I love this time of year. There is just something so enjoyable about the sound of leaves crunching as you walk, the smell of cinnamon, riding a hayride, picking a pumpkin and of course getting dressed up. As a makeup lover, Halloween is extra exciting for me. I get to really try and experiment with fun looks. This year one of the looks I decided to try was a forest fairy inspired look. Now, I know this is nothing super original, but this is my take on it. I love fairies so any excuse to dress up as one is a win for me.
Obviously when I think of a forest fairy I immediately thought of the color green. Green is one of my absolute favorite eyeshadow colors. There is such a great variety of shades and I find most of them easy to work with. For my look I decided to use three different palettes.

The first was from Kimchi Beauty and it's the Virgin Mojito palette. It's a very cute nine pan green focused palette. The second one is from I Heart Revolution and it's the Tasty Avocado Palette. Another green themed palette, but this has more of a grungier vibe than the Kimchi palette. The last palette I used was the Bright Lights Palette from Pinky Rose Cosmetics. It's not a totally green focused palette, but I found the bright green color Smash to work perfectly with all the other green toned shadows I was using.
All three of those palettes have great shadow formulas that perform excellent. They are also all under $30. If you love bright colors and a lot of green than I would say these are great palettes to own.
I also felt that a forest fairy would have some kind of branches or something on her face, so I used Phantasi Cosmetics Phabuliner in Anubis and drew some on my face. I'm not artist so I

did my best. Of course no fairy in complete without some sparkle and shimmer. I wanted to stick with green so I went into my Morphe 10G GLSN Up Palette and used Live Your Life which is a pressed glitter over the branches and Devinah Cosmetics shadow Rainbow Blossom on my lids.
Overall I am pretty happy with how this look came out. I do wish I was able to draw branches better, but it's okay. I think people can get what I am attempting to do. Anyway if you want to see an in depth tutorial on this look please see the video below. Thanks for stopping by and have a Happy Halloween.